石家庄硕德科技有限公司 官方首页 - 生物在线


shuode Technology Co.,ltd

展位号: BIOON-042f14709935

展台参观: 60404

产品总数: 24

信用积分: 5



地 址:河北省石家庄市煤机街116号豪景丽园1-1-502

电 话:85030750

传 真:0311-85030752

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硕德科技有限公司,是一家致力于为广大用户提供最新产品、最优服务的高新技术企业,专业提供分析仪器及设备。公司对内提倡"诚信务实、开拓进取"的企业精神,对外崇尚"用户至上、质量第一"的经营理念,凭借实力,在国内迅速发展壮大并成熟运作,至今已成为多家著名仪器生产商在国内的一级代理和技术服务中心,并同时独家代理众多欧美先进仪器。如:瑞士梅特勒、东京理化器械株式会社等河北唯一指定供应商。 硕德之兴,源于顾客信赖,泉于超越自我; 硕德之望,创造和谐氛围,构筑美好未来; 硕德之责,高标准,精细化,零缺陷。 产品质量是公司追求的永恒主题。所提供的产品范围包括:颗粒、物理、化学、生化、通用实验室的各类分析仪器以及流程仪表设备,均被广泛运用于化工、石化、烟草、制药、食品、农业科技、政府检测机构、医疗及制造等多种领域。除此之外,公司还提供配套仪器和整体解决方案,使客户获得的不仅是经济上的利益而且是技术上的进步。 硕果累累的丰收需要德才兼备的后备力量,公司员工团结协作,经过多年的专业服务和行业知识的积累以及较高的素质和意识,构成公司一支专业的顾问团队、客服团队、技术团队和销售团队提供服务保障,从而更好的理解和满足客户的需求,保证价格的优惠和供货的快捷。 公司倡导公平、共赢、和谐的宗旨,与客户、渠道伙伴一起成长,业务逐年增加,市场不断扩大,以优质的产品和周到的售后服务得到广大用户的一致好评和充分信赖,也赢得了广阔的客户市场,并在同行业中享有相当的知名度和美誉度。 硕德,以实力见证成功!

Bosoar DE technology Co., LTD. Is committed to providing the latest products for the customers, and the optimal service of high-tech enterprises, providing professional analysis instruments and equipment. Company internal advocate "integrity, pioneering and enterprising" spirit of enterprise, advocate "the user supreme, quality first" business philosophy, with the rapid development in China, and has become mature operation, many famous instrument manufacturers in domestic level and technical service center and exclusive agent and advanced instruments. Such as: Swiss company, chemical equipment Co., Tokyo, as the only designated supplier of hebei.
The following day, from customer trust, springs to transcend,
The following, create harmonious atmosphere, build better future,
The following standards, accountability, fine, zero defects.
Product quality is an eternal theme in the company. Provide product range includes: grain, physics, chemical, biochemical, general laboratory analysis instruments and process all kinds of instruments and equipment is widely used in chemical, petrochemical industry, pharmacy, food, tobacco, agricultural science and technology, government agencies, medical and testing various fields. In addition, the company also provides complete equipment and overall solutions that enable customers to obtain the economic benefit is not only the progress of technology and is.
Fruitful harvest need integrity mothball strength, company staff teamwork, after years of professional services and professional knowledge accumulation and high quality and consciousness, constitute the company a team of professional consultants, customer service team, technical team and sales team, which provides services to ensure a better understanding and satisfy the needs of customers, ensure the preferential price and fast delivery.
Companies advocating fair and win-win, harmony, and customer, channel partners and growth, increasing business expansion, the market, with high-quality products and circumspect after-sale service to the user's consistent high praise and trust, and also won the broad customers in industry and market, and enjoy a good reputation and reputation.
Bosoar with strength, witness!!!!!!
