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喜讯 -依科赛产品又添6篇SCI新章!

作者:上海吉泰依科赛生物科技有限公司 2014-01-20T10:32 (访问量:4233)



Cell Death and Disease》《Plos one》《Analytical Chemistry



1.In vitro cytotoxicity of silver nanoparticles in primary rat hepatic stellate cells. Molecular Medicine Reports,
September 13, 2013, 8(5):1365-72. Impact Factor: 1.17.
引用产品:FITC Annexin V Apoptosis Detection kit (Excell Biology,Shanghai)


1. Marchantin M: a novel inhibitor of proteasome induces autophagic cell death in prostate cancer cells. Cell Death and Disease (2013) 4.IF=6.044.
引用产品:anti-Akt1 (Shanghai Excell Biology,Shanghai, China)
2. Concomitant Targeting of Multiple Key Transcription Factors Effectively Disrupts Cancer Stem Cells Enriched in Side Population of Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells.Plos one, September 11, 2013.IF=3.73
引用产品:Rabbit polyclonal anti-Sox2 (Shanghai ExCell Bio Co. LTD)
3.Ying Yan, Ying Xu, Yan-Yan.Gao.Implication of 14-3-3ε and 14-3-3θ/τin proteasome inhibition-induced apoptosis of glioma cells. online November 28, 2012);Cancer Sci,2013,104(1):55~61.(IF:3.325)
引用产品:Anti-human ASK1, phospho-JNK1/2 and phosphor-p38 mAb (ExCell Biology);FBS (ExCell Biology);
4. Wang et al. Puerarin promotes osteogenesis and inhibits adipogenesis in vitro. Chinese Medicine 2013, 8:17.
引用产品: FABP4 antibody (ExCell Biology);

---------依科赛BSA 1篇----------

1. Homogeneous Bioluminescence Detection of Biomolecules Using Target-Triggered Hybridization Chain Reaction-Mediated Ligation without Luciferase Label. Analytical Chemistry,June 14, 2013.IF=5.695.
引用产品:Bovine serum albumin (BSA) (ExCell Biology, Shanghai, China)


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